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Kagawong fishing platform now open to the public

The new fishing platform is now open.

KAGAWONG—Except for educational signage to be installed to complete the project, an outdoor fishing (angling) platform has been constructed and is open at the waterfront marina in Kagawong.

“The angling platform is open to anyone and allows anyone who has accessibility issues but wants to fish the opportunity with a ramp leading up the platform. The angling platform is designed to be used by everyone,” said Seija Deschenes, coordinator of 91Ϣ Streams Improvement Association (MSIA). 

“The angling platform is not quite finished,” said Ms. Deschenes. “We have to create educational signage and have digital designers working on this. The signs will provide the visitor information on the different species of fish in the (Kagawong) River, information on fall spawners (salmon), the salmon run and their life cycle. There will also be information provided on invasive species and species at risk.”

Ms. Deschenes noted there are invertebrates found under the bridge, and black ash trees were planted along the bay (across from the platform). There will also be education materials provided on the stream restoration that MSIA has taken part in over several years on the Kagawong River. 

“And we are waiting for some Ojibway language to be included in the educational signage,” continued Ms. Deschenes.

The new, large angling platform project was completed late last fall. “We are hoping to use the angling platform when we conduct stream restoration tours, have schools and visitors, and tourist groups on hand,” said Ms. Deschenes. She explained that vortex weirs have been created to provide for deeper water pools as part of future climate change impacts, habitat for different species of fish, invertebrates and bugs, and refuge areas for species of fish.  

Funding for the angling platform was provided by FedNor, Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation and the Douglas A. Smith Family Foundation.
“We are looking to install a similar angling platform in Wiikwemkoong (Unceded Territory) again with educational signage,” said Ms. Deschenes.

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