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Friends and Neighbours


Providence Bay
Alexia Hannigan

Hello my June Bugs and Fireflys! Alexia here with your Friendly Fly!

I don’t know about any of you, but May seemed to be a lot of hurry up and wait and three steps forward, 300 steps back. I was reminded how terribly frustrating and painstaking the past month has been while watching a baby snail make his way from our second story window to what I can only assume was up. I suppose that’s all we can do in the face of certain defeat. Keep moving forward, keep your chin up, and press on! Perhaps it’s a good thing that June is finally here, it really is a time to kick up our heels a bit, celebrate new beginnings, summer’s bounty a time for some big shows on all fronts.

Our little township had been making a lot of noise and concessions around a certain new sound stage at the fairgrounds. Yes sir! We got our big guns and big diggers and built a soundstage. We polished up our boots, put on our best hats and warmed up a little with a good old fashioned Northern Opry at the town hall. We’re good and ready for the big Bluegrass show this weekend and want to welcome all of you wonderful sound engineers, songwriters, songbirds, big boots and spurs to beautiful Providence Bay! You made it! Stay awhile and enjoy yourself. 

It’s showtime!

Here’s what’s happening:

Providence Bay arena and fairgrounds: Providence Bay/Spring Bay soccer, we’re back in Prov this Saturday, June 8 from 10 to 11 am. Rec Day, Friday, June 14. Bluegrass in the Country this weekend! June 7-9 in support of the Special Olympics, http://www.bluegrassinthecountry.net/. Start times: 6 pm Friday, 1 pm Saturday, 10 am Sunday.

Providence Bay Hall: The Northern Opry was a huge success and celebration, congratulations to our inductees and thank you for the music! Exercise classes continue Friday mornings at 10:30 am. Mindemoya Taekwon-do continues Tuesday and Thursdays. Health and Wellness Expo, at the Mindemoya Memorial Arena on Tuesday, June 11 from 10 am to 2 pm.

Providence Bay Community of Christ Church Sunday Service, meeting at 10:30 am, 11 am service “subject to change.”

The Mutchmor, great gallery, great coffee, vinyl, antiques and much more!

Huron Fish and Chips Co, great fare, fish and refreshments, stop by and say hello!

Huron Island Time, fantastic local art and collectibles, incredible Ice Cream flavours, smoothies, shakes and Carribean inspired fare and delights!

Sand: Providence Bay Beach, walk, swim and play. Take in the breathtaking views and relax a little.

Saddles: Ceilidh, Carter, Brooklyn and Brantley had a really fun evening last week riding the trails and meeting Henry, Cisco Copper, Cash, Gunner and Lucky with her cousin Gibby and auntie Katie G. Thank you Clayton and Carter, the kids had a blast meeting all the animals and horsing around on the Hay Bales. We even saw two baby foxes on the ride back to Prov. It was awesome.

On June 27, it’s a social night game of pool in Spring Bay. 

Stars: On the morning of June 7, you can see the peak of the shower, which runs from approximately May 29 to June 17. At this point, you may see as many as 60 meteors per hour, which is a pretty good rate and makes it among the more active showers in the calendar. However, as the name suggests, this meteor shower occurs primarily during the day; if you want to try and spot any Arietids, get up a few hours before dawn and look east for the constellation Aries. Best of all, the moon hits its ‘new’ phase on June 6, so it will pose no interference the next morning if you’re up early looking for shooting stars.

Keep on keeping on, keep lassoing the moon, pull up your bootstraps and press on!  

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on!’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

– Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the United States

It’s time for some music and fun in Providence Bay! Yippee-Ki-Ya. Yeehaw!

Team Fergmeijer

Team Fergmeijer has gouda news – June 4 was national cheese day! And since we are super mature, we have included these grate cheese puns that we decided were gouda-nough to make you laugh. One friend said he didn’t think cheese puns were a good idea for the column. Well, we disa-brie but concede the issue may warrant further analyswiss. However, since it’s feta to be safe than sorry, we are putting the puns in for now, but worst queso scenario, we can remove them later. 

It’s never too late for spring cleaning! 91Ϣ Metal, the MSS Robotics Team, is hosting an e-waste drive at the high school all this week. Bring your old televisions, computers, phones, DVD players, small appliances, audio/visual equipment, any size batteries or any other dead electronics to the high school weekdays from 3 to 5 pm and Saturday, June 8 from 10 am to 2 pm. The bins for depositing e-waste are at the back of the school. 

Body Stories Dance is hosting free adult and teen Mindful Movement workshops throughout June and July at the Kagawong Park Centre! Workshops are Mondays from June 3 until July 15 (but not July 1), from 7 to 8:30 pm. Teens are welcome with a participating adult. For more information or to register, email bodystoriesdance@gmail.com or call 647-213-1497

Start your engines! The Kagawong Show and Shine car show is back! Join classic car enthusiasts on Saturday, July 13 from 10am – 3pm at Dig and Doug’s Cedar Furniture on Main Street (free parking available right next door in the township lot). There will be lots of great cars on display for all to admire. Sponsored by the Billings Parks, Recreation and Wellness Committee.

Happy 29th birthday this week to a pair of sassy young Kagawongians. Smart, funny, good looking… but enough about us. Happy birthday, ladies!

The Old Mill Heritage Centre is now open seven days a week! Don’t miss the popular vintage camera and photographic exhibition (back by popular demand). There is also a new exhibit featuring local representatives who have gone on to have storied political careers. Be sure to stop in!

Team Aelick are gearing up for their Stroll for Liver on Sunday, June 9. Stroll on over yourself to https://bit.ly/strollforliver to donate to this worthy cause!

And coming up in the next few months: The Jabbawong Storytelling Festival is Friday, July 5 and Saturday, July 6. The library book sale and local author showcase will be held Saturday, July 20, and the 91Ϣ Art Tour is on that same weekend. And don’t forget about Kagawong’s huge market on Wednesdays throughout the summer, beginning Wednesday, June 26! 

Billings Library is planning another beach movie night and they are taking suggestions! Email billingsreads@gmail.com to give your suggestion of a movie title for a community movie night by the water. 

Tennis, anyone? The 91Ϣ Tennis Club is back to meeting Sunday mornings at 10 am at the 91Ϣ Secondary School courts. Players of all abilities are welcome, with lessons available in the near future.

Not everyone appreciates living in a rural community like Kagawong and the greater Billings area. Yours truly however, find the sheer podunkity (podunkitude? podunkery?) of living here is one of its greatest appeals. Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay
Elaine Bradley

On Saturday we went early into Silver Water for their ham and scalloped potato supper. We had two tables of us from Meldrum Bay. The two Meldrum Bay grandmothers, Diane and Norma were showing off their grandsons as we waited our turns. The meal was excellent, as well as the ham and potatoes there were delicious baked beans, macaroni and cheese and three different types of vegetables. We had a great time!

The warm weather has been wonderful. There are some boats at the docks, some trailers at the campground and there is gas and diesel available at the fuel pumps.

I was in the store here in Meldrum buying some staples and two children were there with their mother buying goodies. One had a bag of Spongebob candies that she was thrilled with, and the other girl and her mother bought specialty ice cream goodies. It was fun to watch the delight on their faces. You can get ice cream and coffee there but on Saturdays from 9 am to 6 pm and Sundays from 9 am 4 pm there will be breakfast sandwiches from Randi’s Snak Shack available. So, if you drive to Meldrum, stop and try them out.

On Tuesday, June 4 there will be Kits and Quilts at the Hall.

On Friday night, May 24 at cards, there were four tables and one extra person. High ladies was Natasha McVey with 78 points and she also took home the juice; high man was Harold Rogers with 78 points; ladies’ lone hands went to Brenda Carter with four; men’s lone hands went to Lisa Townsend with four; most euchres went to Donna K. McDonald with nine; the special prize went to Anne Giffin; the 50/50 prize was won by Harold Rogers; the money jar is safe for another week.  Thanks to everyone who came out.

Silver Water
Karen Noble

On Friday, May 24 we went to Meldrum Bay to play euchre. 

I went to work at the auction in Ice Lake for Norm Morrell on Saturday. There was a big crowd and lots of items available.

Albert stayed home to have the recycle bins open in the afternoon. He said he had quite a few people out.

The Silver Water Recreation Centre put on a ham and scalloped potato dinner on Saturday night. They fed 75 people.

On Monday, May 27 we went to the Burpee and Mills Complex to play euchre. There were eight tables of players. Monday, June 3 will be the last night until September.

The fire department had practice on Tuesday.

We had a deer hang out in our yard on Wednesday evening. Maybe she will bring a fawn into view in a few days.

A few neighbours have reported fox pups playing in their yards.

Thursday afternoon, Gladys Duncanson and I had a swim. The lake water and the air was full of pollen so we did not stay long.

Thursday evening there was euchre at the Silver Water Community Hall. There were seven tables of players.

There will be an LSB meeting at the Silver Water Hall on Saturday, June 8 at 10 am.

On Sunday, June 9 there is lunch at the Silver Water Hall and everyone is welcome. There is a euchre tournament starting at 1:30 pm upstairs afterwards.

The June 6 UCW meeting is being held at Sylvia Pfiefer’s house.

Get well to Bonnie Henry.

Condolences to the family of Joe Baker.

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